
Rishi Sunak in fiery clash with Question Time audience member over ECHR

Question Time audience shouts 'shame' as Sunak says he is prepared to …

Rishi Sunak took part in a special edition of BBC Question Time, where he clashed with an audience member over membership of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Members of the audience shouted “shame” after Sunak said he would prioritise the UK’s security over the ECHR.

An audience member pointed out that the only European nations who aren’t in the ECHR are Russia and Belarus.

“Sir, with the greatest respect, we do not need a foreign court to tell us how to police our own borders and our security, right?” Sunak replied.

“I believe everything we’re doing is in compliance with our international obligations but if I’m put in a position where I’m forced to choose between those things, I’m going to put our country’s national security first every single time. And I make absolutely no apology about that,” Sunak added.

He was met with cries of “shame” after branding the ECHR a “foreign court” during the closing credits of the show.

During the programme, Sunak also threatened young people against snubbing his mandatory national service and claimed 18-year-olds could be denied access to their bank accounts or drivers’ licenses if they refuse to take part.

“Whether that is looking at driving licences, or their access to finance or all sorts of other things, that’s the right thing to do,” Sunak said.

On the same programme, Sir Keir Starmer was applauded as he hit out at Sunak’s trans jibe allegedly linked to murdered teenager Briana Ghey.

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